Montreal, Quebec — Beauce Gold Fields (Champs D’Or en Beauce) (TSXV: ¨BGF¨), (“BGF”): It was announced in the Information Circular that the AGM was to be held at the Hotel Bonaventure in Montreal.
However, due to new Covid-19 restrictions, Beauce Gold Fields must hold and conduct its 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in a virtual-only format conducted by live webcast at 10:00 AM on Thursday January 20th, 2022.
The meeting will be held via the Zoom meeting platform. In order to access the meeting, shareholders will have to register via the company’s web site or by following this link in order to receive the Zoom invitation link to participate.

Beauce Gold Fields is a gold exploration company focused on placer to hard rock exploration in the Beauce region of Southern Quebec.