Press Releases
BGF Outlines Winter Drill Campaign Along the Antiform Saddle Reef Structure
Montreal, Quebec — Beauce Gold Fields (Champs D’Or en Beauce) (TSX Venture: “BGF”), referred to as “BGF” or the “Company,”
Beauce Gold Fields Trial of Horizontal Directional Drilling Samples 2.75 G/M3 of Placer Gold
Montreal, Quebec — Beauce Gold Fields (Champs D’Or en Beauce) (TSXV: ¨BGF¨), (“BGF”): (“BGF” or the “Company”),
BGF Discovers Significant IP & Soil Anomalies at the Headwaters of the Historical Placer Gold Mine
Montreal, Quebec — Beauce Gold Fields (Champs D’Or en Beauce) (TSXV: ¨BGF¨), (“BGF”): (“BGF” or the “Company”),
BGF Grondin Outcrop Bulk Sample Returns 5.6 g/t Gold
Montreal, Quebec — Beauce Gold Fields (Champs D’Or en Beauce) (TSXV: ¨BGF¨), (“BGF”): (“BGF” or the “Company”),
BGF Discovers New Mineralized Outcrops that Align with Antiform Saddle Reef Structures
Montreal, Quebec — Beauce Gold Fields (Champs D’Or en Beauce) (TSXV: ¨BGF¨), (“BGF”): (“BGF” or the “Company”),
BGF’s Geophysics Confirms an 8 Km Signature of the Mineralized Antiform Saddle Reef Structure
Montreal, Quebec — Beauce Gold Fields (Champs D’Or en Beauce) (TSXV: ¨BGF¨), (“BGF”): (“BGF” or the “Company”),
New Videos
Patrick Levasseur unveils the latest developments at BGF – Inversio Interview
In this episode of Up to Speed, Inversio interviews Patrick Levasseur, President of Beauce Gold Fields (BGF.V), to discuss the company’s major developments at the start of the year! With the gold market heating up, what’s next for BGF? What is the true source of the historic gold in Beauce? And how are macroeconomic trends […]
CEO Presentation – AGM 2025
Join us for an inside look at Beauce Gold Fields’ Annual General Meeting 2025, where our CEO presented the latest company updates, strategic outlook, and exploration milestones.
Gold Discovery in an Operating Sand Quarry: Mineral Exploration in Quebec!
Join us for an extraordinary adventure in Chartierville, where Jean-Michel of Invercio and our CEO Patrick Levasseur reveal a mining site full of promise.
Bendigo in the Beauce or A Saddle Reel, in Quebec!
After five years of exploration, geophysics, and hard work, our team has made a remarkable discovery—a saddle reef formation, the potential source of the placer gold deposit in the Beauce.
The Secrets of St-Simon les Mines: In Search of the Hidden Source of Gold
Here’s a fun interview our CEO, Patrick Levasseur, did on Invercio, where they discussed the current market context and all things BGF. NOTE: The video is ONLY available in French.
Looking for the Source: BGF at PDAC 2024
Patrick Levasseur, CEO of Beauce Gold Fields, shares insights on their latest discoveries at the Beauce property, home to Canada’s historically largest gold nuggets, updates on their phosphate property and the onset of a bullish market trend.
Radio Canada news report on Beauce Gold Fields features CEO Patrick Levasseur
The first gold rush in Canada did not occur in the Klondike but in Beauce at Saint-Simon-les-Mines in the early 1860s.
L’Or EXPLOSERA-elle en 2023?! Mise à jour avec Patrick Levasseur de Beauce Gold Fields TSXV:BGF
Vous cherchez les dernières nouvelles sur le marché de l’or? Vous êtes arrivé au bon endroit! Dans cette vidéo, nous découvrirons les dernières nouvelles sur le marché de l’Or avec Beauce Gold Fields, afin que vous soyez au courant de tous les détails importants. Champs d’Or en Beauce est une société d’exploration aurifère de premier […]
Fun Facts
BGF featured Trenchless Technology Magazine
Our use of innovative horizontal directional drilling for mineral exploration was recently featured in Trenchless Technology Magazine. This is related to our announcement last August about the successful test HDD drilling of the auriferous till units of the paleoplacer channel on the Beauce Gold property in St-Simon-les-Mines, Quebec. It’s a must-read! Read the full story […]
BGF first-mover advantage in Southern Quebec
CEO Patrick Levasseur shares a bit of history on Canada’s first gold rush and why mining activity is so different in the St Simon les Mines area from the rest of Quebec with the team at Invercio.
Barrels of fun in Megantic
It’s a busy summer in Megantic: bulk sampling, geophysics & drilling.
Beauce Gold Fields CEO Patrick Levasseur shows us some of Canada’s oldest gold shafts [ENGLISH VIDEO]
Up to 6-km of tunnels dug by hand.
Beauce Gold Fields CEO Patrick Levasseur explains Canada’s first gold rush [ENGLISH VIDEO]
In 1847, placer gold was discovered in the Beauce region of southern Quebec that led to Canada’s first gold rush decades before the famous Yukon Klondike gold rush.
Beauce Gold Fields: Digging Mining History—Part 1 by Patrick Levasseur
Our Beauce Gold property has 150 years of mining history.
Replica of the 45 ounce McDonald Nugget produced from the Beauce Gold property
In the 19th century, the Beauce Gold property produced the largest gold nuggets in Canada.
Old Shafts from the 1800s in St-Simon-les-Mine by Patrick Levasseur
Just before it snowed I it took pictures