Montreal, Quebec — Beauce Gold Fields (Champs D’Or en Beauce) (TSXV: ¨BGF¨), (“BGF”): is pleased to announce it has completed the sampling of the Chesham & Ditton sand and gravel pits on the Company’s Megantic placer to hardrock exploration property located in southern Quebec. The sampling was to further investigate gold anomalies along the southern section of the Bella Fault line that returned up to 10 grams per ton first identified on the Chesham as well as on various sections of the property (see BGF press releases of April 12 & 23, 2021).
Patrick Levasseur, President and CEO of Beauce Gold Fields said, “We found important gold anomalies along a fault line that crosses historical placer gold deposits.” Mr. Levasseur added: “It’s an area of Quebec that has been totally under explored that’s providing exciting opportunities for important new discoveries.”
Image 1 (Top Featured Image): Megantic Property Map, Gold samples and Ditton Quarry sand pit
Chesham Sector
29 sand and gravel samples of glaciofluvial material were collected from a sand pit quarry, which was active in the 1980s. BGF returned to this area to further explore around the site were a fine sand sample taken in 2020 returned more than 10 g / t Au (BGF press releases of April 23, 2021)
The sand & gravel deposit covers an area of more than 6 hectares. It is located approximately 100m west of Chesham Creek and to the south of Mont-Mégantic.
Sampling was undertaken using a medium-sized excavator (approximately 30 to nnes). The thickness of the deposit varies between 1m to more than 8 meters deep. The maximum extension of the excavator’s boom could not exceed 7m in depth therefore in some places, it could measure more than 8m. The sedimentary sequence of the entire deposit consists mainly of medium to fine sand from the top down to gravel at its base. The 2021 excavations at times reached, after having crossed the layers of sand-gravel, beds of clay, bedrock or a water table that would fill the trenches. In October 2021, a stratigraphic cut of approximately 2.0m in height was sampled down an escarpment of the quarry. It intersected the section where the 10g/ton Au #798541 2020 sample was collected.
Ditton Sector
10 samples taken from an operating gravel pit located near the town of La Patrie in Ditton township. The part of the quarry occupies approximately an area of 0.5 hectares. A series of 10 sand and gravel samples were taken along the walls and under the floor of the gravel pit. Vertical thicknesses of the sand & gravel deposit varied from 2m to more than 13m.
Sample SB16, which was taken at random from the gravel by BGF, showed the presence of a very coarse gold grain that measured more than 4mm.

Image 2: 4 mm gold grain from sample #SB16
In 1985, Cache Explorations undertook a series of overburden drill holes in the vicinity of the Ditton and Mining Brook areas. A churn drill hole (Hole 85-7 GM42843) 400m west of the quarry returned important gold values. Hole 85-7 intercepted a gold zone at 11.4m to 20.2m deep. A sample taken at 11.85 to 12.38m showed up to 65 fine gold grains (-1mg).
All 39 samples were collected in 50 lbs buckets and sent to ExploLab in Val D’Or Quebec for gravimetric methods of gold separation and analysis. Jean Bernard, B,Sc. Geo., is a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 who supervised the sampling program and has reviewed and approved the technical information presented in this release.
About the Megantic Property
The Mégantic property extends southwest to the USA border of New Hampshire and to the northeast to Lac Mégantic. The property extends for at least 30 km along the axis of the Bella Fault. It is divided into four sectors of past placer gold mines & of historical gold showings: the Ditton, the Mining Brook, the Chesham and Bergeron rivers. The intent of Beauce Gold Fields is to trace placer gold back to a bedrock source to uncover economic bedrock gold mineralization.

Beauce Gold Fields is a gold exploration company focused on placer to hard rock exploration in the Beauce region of Southern Quebec.